Tonight was my D's first soccer game. This is his second season playing. He and his teammates are 6 or just turned 7. (David is 6). The team they faced tonight have obviously been playing since they were toddlers because they absolutely creamed our team. Like, eight to nothing. Or nine to nothing. Honestly, our team's moms stopped counting goals by the opposing team at goal #5.
But our kids had a BALL. They didn't get discouraged, they didn't whine about it, they just kept trying. Made this mama proud!
Here are a couple pics of my little sweetheart out on the field tonight, playing hard while mama and sissy sitting in our chairs on the sidelines got our ankles bit off by those freaking mosquitos. And I won't talk about the creepy bug that tried to crawl in my shoe. Ewwww.

I love to watch my kids having fun. Despite the heat, bugs and humidity, David had a great time and played his best. And that is what being a kid is all about!
I agree that it is so much fun watching kids just play and enjoy themselves. Nice work "catching up" from missing a post! :)