and it was, well, not great! Not a total failure, but still have a ways to go.
Rachael Ray Show recipe:
2 cups dried fruit, such as cherries or apricots 2 cups hot water
PreparationPreheat oven to 200˚F with rack in center.
Place fruit in a bowl, and cover with the water. Microwave for 5 minutes to plump and soften. Drain, and reserve liquid.
Place fruit in a food processor, add honey and process until mixture is very smooth and easily spreadable. If it is too thick, add some of the reserved cooking liquid.
Cover two 10-by-15-inch baking sheets with plastic wrap. Divide puree between the sheets; spread in a thin, even layer with an offset spatula. Then sprinkle with seeds, optional.
Let dry in oven until mixture is firm but slightly tacky, about 5 hours.
Peel fruit leather from plastic wrap, and cut into 1-inch-wide strips using a pizza cutter. Roll tightly into cylinders, and serve.
Seems fairly simple, right? first mistake was not reading this recipe correctly. Somehow, I totally missed the part that said DRIED fruit. Yeah, probably pretty important! I didn't notice it til I was putting this post together and cut the recipe from her page!! DUH!!!!!!!!
So back to the baking: I used 1 cup each of two fruits we got last summer. I had peaches from our trip to Charlotte last July. Dad took us over to South Carolina to a fab peach stand and what the kids didn't eat, I cut up and froze. The other fruit I used was those yummy blueberries we picked in Watkinsville in July ~ yummmm!
I processed them each seperately, mixed with a spoonful of local honey and some of the water I soaked them in. (duhhh - why does fruit need to soak in water if it isn't dried?! lol I was tired when I made this - yeah, that's my excuse! : )
The blueberries kind of separated and made a lacy, uneven leather. Next time they need to be pureed with another fruit - I may try a few other berries with them ~ strawberries, blackberries perhaps?
Lessons learned - read the directions completely!! I would use the same recipe, but less water, no soaking, and definitely cook at 200 degrees the entire time. I am going to be checking out goodwill and craigslist for a food dehydrator, too!!
Have you ever made fruit leather? If so, please share your recipe with me!! : )

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