So happy it is the weekend again! : ) We have a teacher furlough day on Monday, so the kids are off. That means this is a fabulous three-day weekend!
Today we are going to a potluck get-together at our friends Stephanie & Jamie's home in Forsyth County. Steph & I met our junior year of high school, went to Berry College together for one year, and have remained friends through thick and thin ever since! I love these get-togethers at their home - lots of friends, delicious food, and lots of laughter & friendship! We try to have these every few months at their home, and it's something we all look forward to.
Today I'm making my Buffalo Chicken Dip (double batch!), Creme de Menthe Brownies, & Jazzed Up Pimento Cheese for sandwiches. Pimento Cheese is kind of a staple here in the south. This Pimento Cheese is my version of a local cafe's amazing Pimento Cheese. The now-closed Red Sky Cafe in Buford served their Pimento Cheese on biscuits, mixed in with hot grits, and even offered a grilled version with a side of strawberry jelly. It is SO good - there's a little kick from the jalapenos and a little crunch from the chopped pecans. Heavenly, I'm telling you!
Jazzed Up Pimento Cheese
- 8 oz block of sharp cheddar cheese, grated
- 4 oz jar diced pimentos, finely chopped (because I don't like them big - I chop them til they are almost non-existent, lol)
- appx 1/2 cup mayonnaise - we prefer Duke's mayo, or Kraft's Olive Oil Mayo if I'm out of Duke's.
- dash of salt
- 1 Tbsp of the juice from a jar of jalapeno slices (can also add chopped jalapenos, or more of the juice to taste)
- 1/3 c chopped pecans
Mix it all up, then store in covered container in the fridge overnight. I like to slice a package of soft rolls (the kind in the little foil pan, found on the bread aisle) in half, and take the top half off. Spread the bottom layer of rolls with PC, replace top half of bread, and toast in the oven til brown and PC is bubbly. Serve with a side of strawberry jelly, just like they used to do at Red Sky in Buford!! YUM! Also good with crackers, or on celery.

Good Lordy that sounds so good! We live near Buford and eat at Red Sky too. I never thought to try and make theirs at hme.