So I have all these fake graves (from Dollar Tree) for the front yard. We have the perfect spot to make a little cemetery out there every Halloween. They looked very flat, boring and had some white styrofoam showing through, so while the kids were busy crafting yesterday, I used one of their dollar store paint brushes (meaning bristles sticking out EvErYwHeRe!) and added some white acrylic paint to both and some black acrylic paint to the bat on top of one because he had some chipped styrofoam showing!

Oops - I forgot to take a before pic of this guy - so he's RI without the P and other details whited in! lol
Here's the other one - I cut off the bat at the top though. Not my day for pics, I guess!

And now for the after picture:

I think they turned out fabulous! I have several others to touch up, and I may add some silly names and dates to a few to make the cemetery a little more scary!
Are y'all getting your Fall on too? Seriously - this is the BEST time of year and I just can't wait for it to get here!
Hooking up here:

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